Tuesday, July 24, 2012


My body begins to be ever more thankful for the rides each day as my body wearies from the long days and ‘hoofin’ it up Bourbon Street and Audubon” between streetcar rides! Gentle foot massage in conditioning class was in keeping after the day’s journey in the second line yesterday.
After another rigorous professional practice and picking up what I missed the day before, we transitioned into a panel on Wealth Disparity and, after lunch,  another talk about the health effects of being poor from a New Orleans and national perspective. We finally gathered again in our cohort groups to brainstorm and share ideas, research and impressions of the space at which we are to dance site specifically. Liz Lerman led a wonderful opportunity to dig into movement together, via her “toolbox” methodology: composing dance with the every day person, as well as for purposes of this week. Observation methods, asking people what they saw, pairing, counting moves, and taking movement from text were familiar concepts to me from working on the Hallelujah Project and The Dance Exchange’s Institutes. Equivalence and movement metaphor were inspirational reminders of how deeply my work has been affected by Liz. I will get a picture with she and Jawole before I leave, as they are quickly becoming my dance heroines! The day ended early, with a return trip via ST Charles line, and a walk down Bourbon St at dusk….very different from morning! A pickup dinner, a swim in a small pool, and washing clothes was chosen when I might have gone out to hear some music…but an internet connection is dear here---so I use it when I have it.

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